Immigration Solicitors UK

Parent of Child Student Visa

Parent of Child Student Visa

Parent of Child Student Visa

You can apply under this category if you are a Parent of Child Student Visa; who is studying at or about to start studying at an independent fee-paying school in the UK. You will be eligible to apply visa if you meet certain criteria as discussed below;

This type of visa must be obtained by the applicant before coming into the UK. Please consult with our immigration solicitor to find out whether you qualify for this visa category and how you can apply.

Benefits of Parent of Child Student Visa

The spouse/partner of a settled person enjoys stability, support, and access to social networks, while also gaining practical advantages such as improved economic prospects and legal rights in their new location.

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Parent of Child Student Visa

You can apply under this category if you are a Parent of Child Student Visa; who is studying at or about to start studying at an independent fee-paying school in the UK. You will be eligible to apply visa if you meet certain criteria as discussed below;
  • Your child must be aged between 4 and 11
  • You are the only parent accompanying with your child.
  • You have enough money to support yourself and your child
  • You maintain your main home outside the UK
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