Immigration Solicitors UK

Adult Dependent Relative

Adult Dependent Relative

Adult Dependent Relative

The Adult Dependent Relative category allows a non-EEA national “ADR” of a British citizens, persons settled in the UK or persons having refugee status or humanitarian protection in the UK, to enter and settle here if they can demonstrate that due to age, illness or disability, they require long-term personal care that can only be provided by their relative in the UK.

Apart from general visa requirements, there are certain conditions that must be met by the applicant for this visa category; such as:

This type of visa must be obtained by the applicant before coming into the UK. Please consult with our immigration solicitor to find out whether you qualify for this visa category and how you can apply.

Benefits of Adult Dependent Relative

The spouse/partner of a settled person enjoys stability, support, and access to social networks, while also gaining practical advantages such as improved economic prospects and legal rights in their new location.

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  • Indefinite Leave to Remain as Spouse of Settled Person
Spouses or partners of British citizens, persons settled in the UK or persons having refugee status or humanitarian protection in the UK, can apply for a visa to remain with their loved ones indefinitely through this visa category. Apart from general visa requirements, there are certain conditions that must be met by the applicant for this visa category; such as:
  • Relationship requirements – Must be a genuine and subsisting relationship
  • Maintenance funds
  • Suitability requirements
  • Sufficient knowledge of the English language
  • Sufficient knowledge of life in the UK
The applicant can only be eligible to apply for their ILR in the UK once they have completed the residential qualifying period in the UK. Please consult with our immigration solicitor to find out whether you qualify for this visa category and how you can apply.  
  • Indefinite Leave to Remain as Parent of a Child
Parents of children who are British citizens or are settled in the UK can apply for a visa to remain in the UK indefinitely through this visa category if they have sole parental responsibility and it is in the children’s best interest for the parent to be granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK. Apart from general visa requirements, there are certain conditions that must be met by the applicant for this visa category; such as:
  • relationship requirements (applicant must be the parent of the child)
  • Documentary evidence showing access rights to child
  • Suitability requirements
  • Sufficient knowledge of the English language
  • Sufficient knowledge of life in the UK
The applicant can only be eligible to apply for their ILR in the UK once they have completed the residential qualifying period in the UK. Please consult with our immigration solicitor to find out whether you qualify for this visa category and how you can apply.  
  • Indefinite Leave to Remain as Tier 1 (General) Migrant
This visa category was closed in April 2018 by the government and a lot of the applications by Tier 1 (General) migrants were refused their ILR due to minor tax errors under Paragraph 322(5) of the immigration rules. However, concerns have been raised in the Parliament that applications were being wrongly refused due to the applicants’ minor tax errors. If you currently have a pending application for indefinite leave to remain as a Tier 1 (General) Migrant that was submitted on or before 5th April 2018 or have received a refusal decision in the last 14 days or have an appeal pending with the Asylum and Immigration First-tier Tribunal, please consult with our immigration solicitor immediately for further advice.
  • Indefinite Leave to Remain on 10 Years Lawful Residence
This visa category allows people to apply for indefinite leave to remain on the basis of 10 years of their continuous and lawful residence in the UK. Apart from general visa requirements, there are certain conditions that must be met by the applicant for this visa category; such as:
  • Documentary evidence of “continuous and lawful residence” for 10 years
  • Suitability requirements
  • Sufficient knowledge of the English language
  • Sufficient knowledge of life in the UK
Please consult with our immigration solicitor to find out whether you qualify for this visa category and how you can apply. [/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]